Explorer – Code of Conduct
Over the past few months the leadership team has been working very hard to write a Code of Conduct for the section. We have felt that having a document that outlines the conduct and behavior that is expected from every young person and adult in the section is very important.
Without regulations, bylaws, articles and orders, where would we be?
Too many and we run the risk of running a dictatorship (although the District Explorer Scout Commissioner would love this), too few you run the risk of descending into anarchy, and anarchy is not the basis for any society in which people co-operate together.
We are publishing a lot of rules in this Code of Conduct. They are not all of them, and maybe not the most important ones, but they are a start. And why start? It’s important to ensure everybody knows they are bounded by rules and to give you all some idea of the standard of behaviour we expect. If we all pull together in the same rough direction, we can avoid anarchy and concentrate our minds on having fun.
Maybe new to some of you is the concept of codes, and a number of codes are outlined on the attached document. To explain, codes are not necessarily laws, but are a strong statement of the minimum standard of behaviour, and you are expected to follow them!
On camp, the final arbitrators of all things ‘legal & moral’ will be with the Camp Leader. However, everyone is expected to listen to any instructions given to them by any member of the leadership team. Have a read through the attached document, and yes, it is a bit heavy, but “I didn’t know the rules” is never an acceptable defence.
Epping Forest South Explorer Scout
As an Explorer Scout (Explorer), I understand that I will observe the Scout Law and comply with the EFS Explorer Scout Code of Conduct at all times. Failure to do so will result in discipline action being taken:
1. Explorer Scouts will always show respect to fellow Explorers, helpers or members of the leadership team and members of the Scout Association. Explorers should ensure that their behavior is appropriate to any activity or meeting they attend and that it does not cause offence to others.
2. Explorers will be respectful and tolerant of each other at all times. Bullying or intimidating behaviour towards fellow Explorers, helpers or members of the leadership team will not be tolerated.
3. Explorers are expected to attend unit meetings on a regular basis. Whenever an Explorer is unable to attend a meeting or arranged activity, they must inform an appropriate member of the leadership team as far in advance as possible.
4. The use of mobile devices is not permitted during unit meetings or at any Scouting activity, unless express permission has given to do so by a member of the leadership team. Explorers found to be using a mobile device may result in a verbal warning, or confiscation of the mobile device, in line with our mobile device confiscation policy (see below).
5. Explorers must ensure that they pay their membership subscriptions on time.
6. Uniform must be worn to all unit meetings and activities unless specifically informed otherwise that alternative clothing is required or permitted. Acceptable uniform will consist of a smart, ironed Scout shirt and a neat scarf accompanied by a woggle or tied using a friendship knot. Following investiture or presentation of a badge or award, Explorers should ensure that badges are sewn onto their uniform for the next meeting or Scouting activity.
7. Smoking by Explorers is not permitted at unit meetings or any Scouting activities.
8. Explorers are not permitted to bring, or consume alcohol to unit meetings or any Scouting activities.
9. It is strictly prohibited to handle or use of illegal drugs at unit meetings or any Scouting activity. This also applies to solvents and the misuse of prescribed medication.
10. Offensive weapons, such as firearms and knives (fixed or with blade locks) with blades longer than 75mm (3 inches), are prohibited at any unit meeting or Scouting activity. At the discretion of the leadership team, and at the Explorers own risk, folding type penknives may be permitted to be brought to a sanctioned activity, such as a ‘camp’ or outdoor activity, following a suitability inspection and providing prior permission is sought.
11. Mixed sleeping arrangements are not permitted at any overnight activity or ‘camp’. Explorers must sleep in their own/allocated tents or accommodation. Changes to sleeping arrangements will only be permitted following the permission of the Explorer Scout Leader in charge of the event. At no time will an Explorer go into the sleeping accommodation of a member of the leadership team or member of the opposite sex.
12. Explorers must ensure that at all times they fully understand and observe the specific rules that apply to the activity they are taking part in.
13. Explorers are collected promptly from each meeting or event. If a delay is expected, please contact a member of the leadership team at your earliest convenience.
Mobile device confiscation policy:
1. First offence: A verbal warning will be issued by a member of the leadership team, who may also confiscate the mobile device for a short period of time.
2. Repeat offence: A formal verbal warning will be issued by a member of the leadership team and the device will be confiscated until the end of the evening. The leadership team may also contact the Explorers parents and may also inform the District Explorer Scout Commissioner, depending on severity/frequency of breach.
3. Frequent offence: A formal warning will be issued in line with ‘C. Major Misconduct’ breach of the EFS Code of Conduct (see below).
Penalties for breach of the EFS Explorers Code of Conduct:
A. Minor misconduct or first offence: A Verbal warning will be issued to the Explorer by a member of the leadership team. The Explorer may be asked to take no further part in all or part of an activity, depending on the severity of the breach.
B. Repeated minor misconduct: A formal verbal warning will be issued to the Explorer and behavior/breach of the Code of Conduct will be discussed with their parents. The Explorer may be asked to take no further part in a meeting or activity, depending on the severity of the breach. In some cases this may mean that the Explorer is required to leave the meeting or activity immediately.
C. Major misconduct: The Explorer and their parents will be issued with a formal warning by the leadership team and the District Explorer Scout Commissioner. The Explorer will be suspended from their Unit for up to 3 months, in most cases the suspension will apply to all Scouting activities.
D. Serious misconduct: The Explorer will be suspended immediately. The matter will be referred to the District Explorer Scout Commissioner who may decide, in consultation with the District Commissioner that the Explorer is asked to leave the Scout Association.
Repeated minor offences will be interpreted as major or serious misconduct.
Should a criminal act be committed we will not hesitate in involving the Police.
Any member of the leadership team, the District Explorer Scout Commissioner or the District Commissioner can apply these penalties for breach of the EFS Explorers Code of Conduct.